BC Hydro
British Columbia
Services Performed:
Cost Estimate, Feasibility Study
Project Description and Maven’s Role
This is a thermal uprating and refurbishment project on 2L90, a 230kV transmission circuit, owned by BC Hydro, that runs from the Bridge River Terminal (“BRT”) substation to the Kelly Lake (“KLY”) substation. The Project will also sustain the operational reliability of the BRT substation by replacing end-of-life disconnect equipment. The Project is driven by a need to increase the power transmission capacity from BRT to KLY.
Maven was commissioned by BC Hydro to review the feasibility cost estimate that was developed by for the Project. The Estimate review will inform the report that will be submitted to the BC Utilities Commission (“BCUC”) in the application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (“CPCN”) that is required for projects exceeding a $100M cost.