Hay River, Northwest Territories
Services Performed:
Owner’s Engineering

Project Description and Maven’s Role
This project was focused on the development of a methodology to assess asset condition and to the consequence of an asset failure in order to define the Asset Risk. This was used for the support of Asset Management decisions and for consideration for long-term capital plans.The HydroAMP methodology was based on best available practice and the expertise of the project team. It considered subjective and objective criteria ranging from visual inspection to precise test results.
Maven was responsible for the delivery of the Hydro Assets Risk Framework for all six of the NTPC hydroelectric generating facilities and nine units (3.5 MW to 18 MW).
The equipment in scope included all powerhouse, spillway and auxiliary assets including the governor, turbine, generator, exciter, and balance of plant equipment as well as penstocks, gate systems and battery systems outside the powerplant.
Maven produced inspection forms to be used by asset management and field services to specify the assessment criteria and document the results following the HydroAMP Tier 1 and Tier 2 methodology.
Maven also developed a basic methodology to assess the consequence of an asset failure is included in the scope. The methodology relied on the risks detailed in the existing NTPC Corporate Risk Matrix and was supplemented with other risks typical for a hydro electric utility.